Brasil faz doação para a criação da Relatoria sobre Discriminação
Racial na OEA
Hoje, segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro, o Governo do Brasil terá uma
audiência junto à Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH)
da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) sobre casos de violações
dos direitos humanos.Nessa audiência, o Secretário-Executivo da
Secretaria Especial da Presidência da República para Políticas de
Promoção da Igualdade Racial, Douglas Martins, irá entregar um
cheque de 65.000 dólares a título de contribuição voluntária do
Brasil à criação da Relatoria Especial da Comissão Interamericana de
Direitos Humanos sobre os direitos dos Afrodescendentes e sobre a
Discriminação Racial.
A CIDH decidiu criar, em 25 de fevereiro, a relatoria sobre os
direitos dos Afrodescendentes e sobre a Discriminação Racial . Envio
abaixo o texto do comunicado de imprensa da CIDH, divulgado na
sexta-feira passada. O Brasil é um dos responsáveis diretos pela
criação dessa relatoria. Além disso, o Governo do Brasil está
preparando um projeto de resolução na próxima Assembléia Geral da
OEA que propõe a criação de um Grupo de Trabalho Encarregado de
Elaborar uma Convenção Interamericana Contra o Racismo e toda Forma
de Discriminação e Intolerância. A Assembléia Geral da OEA se
realizará entre 5 e 7 de junho próximos, em Fort Lauderdale,
Para contatar a Douglas Martins, Secretário-Executivo da Secretaria
Especial da Presidência da República para Políticas de Promoção da
Igualdade Racial, favor chamar 1 202 458 3508, ou através do email (A/C Luiz Coimbra).
N° 3/05
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is very
pleased to announce the creation of a Special Rapporteurship on the
rights of persons of African descent and on racial discrimination.
The functions of Special Rapporteur were assigned to Commissioner
Clare K. Roberts, recently elected President of the IACHR.
The Special Rapporteurship on the Rights of People of
Afro-Descendants and Against Racial Discrimination will dedicate
itself to activities of stimulating, systematizing, reinforcing and
consolidating the action of the Inter-American Commission on the
rights of people of African-descendent and racial discrimination.
In this perspective, the core objectives of the Special
Rapporteurship will include work with OAS Member States for the
following purposes: to generate awareness of the states’ duty to
respect the human rights of afro-descendants and on the elimination
of all forms of racial discrimination; to analyze the current
challenges that confront countries of the region in this area,
formulate recommendations designed to overcome the obstacles and
identifying and sharing best practices in the region with respect to
this matter; to monitor, and provide any technical assistance
requested by member States in the implementation of the
recommendations in national law and practice.
Within the Commission, the Rapporteurship will work to stimulate,
systematize, reinforce and consolidate the action of the
Inter-American Commission on the rights of people of
African-descendent and racial discrimination; to comply with the
mandates of the OAS General Assembly to the Commission related to
Afro-descendants, racism and racial discrimination; to support the
work of the Commission related to Afro-descendants and racial
discrimination such as:
- Prepare reports and special studies on the rights of
afro-descendants and, more broadly, studies on issues pertaining to
elimination of racial discrimination;
- Analyze complaints of racism and racial discrimination received by
the Commission and convey to the Commission its opinion and
recommendations with regard to those complaints;
- Make recommendations to the Commission regarding hearings to be
granted during regular sessions and participates with the Commission
in hearings having to do with alleged violations. The Special
Rapporteurship will also work with the parties to achieve friendly
- Undertake consultations and prepare recommendations to member
States regarding the modification of existing laws and articles
related to the rights of afro-descendants and on racial
- Accompany the Commission in its in loco visits to the countries of
the region. During the visits, the Office will gather information
and investigate the most relevant problems related to
African-descendent and racial discrimination;
- Draft admissibility and merit’s reports as well as thematic,
country and annual reports.
The Special Rapporteur will work with the other Special
Rapporteurships of the Commission in the matters that intersect with
afro-descendants and racial discrimination and their respective
mandates. With civil society, the work will be focused on amplifying
awareness in the region of the guarantees and mechanisms the
inter-American human rights system offers for the protection of the
rights of afro-descendants and against racial discrimination. Also,
the Rapporteurship shall maintain a data base on the most current
information received through its informal hemispheric network
related to the rights of people of African-descendent and racial
discrimination in member States or progress in this matter; promote
the System through its participation in education and training
activities as well as seminars, conferences and fora, among others.
Finally, the new Special Rapporteurship will work in collaboration
with the pertinent UN Bodies, including CERD, the Working Group of
Afro-descendants, the Special Rapporteur on Racial Discrimination.
Washington, D.C., February 25, 2005
Luiz O. Coimbra
Senior Public Information Specialist
Head of Multimedia-OPRI
Organization of American States
phone: 202 458 3508
fax: 202 458 3928
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